Academy of Indian Culture invited the Great Violin Maestro of Carnatic Classic music Sangeetha Kalanidhi Dr. M. Chandrasekaran, Sangeetha Kalanidhi Dr. T.V. GopalaKrishnan along with their team of musicians to commemorate the silver jubilee celebrations of our percussion school “Sarvalaghu Percussion Art Center (SPAC)” wherein the above maestros along with their supporting musician team taught & trained the students of SPAC to present a culturally unique program befitting the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the school as part of AIC's initiative to spread, inculcate and appreciate the age-old traditional Carnatic classical music to younger generation as well as music lovers in this country. The team of musicians also helped several of the students have an experience of performing with world class professional musicians like themselves on a formal professional concert platform.
A video snippet of the event can be found here